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Full-suite leadership platform

13 tools to support
good leadership

Evovia offers a digital leadership platform that helps managers achieve the kind of leadership they aspire to, but haven’t always been able to deliver. A platform that helps senior management and HR to manage expectations, maintain an overview, stay one step ahead, and provide support through tangible actions. The tools also ensure that employees' perspectives are seen, heard, and acted on. This helps them thrive in their roles and increase their productivity.

leadership platform

One price gives you access to all 13 tools across three areas:

Employee dialogue

Review the tools here
a (4) Employee Development
Employee Development
Digital process that ensures a good employee development plan dialogue

This digital process gives managers a unique insight into employees' situations and development potential. The EDP tool is easy to use and ensures that both managers and employees are prepared, so that the EDP conversation is effective for both parties. Specific action plans and reminders help you to follow up regularly and remember your agreements. Visualised statistics and reports give the manager an overview of development in their teams. Senior management and HR gain an overview of development progress across the whole organisation, and they can specify processes, create questionnaires, and easily send them out.

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a (2) Ongoing 1:1
Ongoing 1:1
Digital tool for 1:1 conversations between managers and employees

Which tasks are your priorities right now? Can you complete them? And will you need new skills or development to do so? Questions like these can form the basis of a dialogue about specific, day-to-day goals and tasks as well as ongoing employee development. Our tool allows you to check in, practice leadership in close collaboration with employees, and remove any obstacles along the way before they start impacting on the business. Use our 1:1 tool for all kinds of conversations between a manager and employee.

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a (9) Team Dialogue
Team Dialogue
Digital dialogue tool for facilitating team meetings

If you need to have a meeting with multiple attendees, you can use Team Dialogue to facilitate the process. All attendees complete a questionnaire that is sent out before the meeting, allowing you to base the agenda on the attendees' responses. Minutes and tasks are inputted directly into the form during the meeting, and they are sent out to all attendees with just one click.

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a (3) Onboarding
Structured onboarding to ensure retention

Evovia's digital onboarding process consists of both a checklist for use by HR and a dialogue plan for a range of conversations between a manager and their new employee. The tool builds on learnings from leadership research, supporting managers in conducting conversations and placing a focus on any concerns that arise for the new employee at critical moments during the onboarding process. The overall goal is to ensure retention of the employee and swift integration into the organisation.

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a (5) Offboarding
Digital offboarding process that captures vital insights

Evovia's offboarding tool gathers important learnings and coordinates dialogues with employees who leave your organisation. It is not an administrative tool, but a dialogue process in which the employee completes a questionnaire that is used by HR or the team leader in their exit interview. It gives a clear picture of areas of possible improvement for employee retention.

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Employee Development
Digital process that ensures a good employee development plan dialogue

This digital process gives managers a unique insight into employees' situations and development potential. The EDP tool is easy to use and ensures that both managers and employees are prepared, so that the EDP conversation is effective for both parties. Specific action plans and reminders help you to follow up regularly and remember your agreements. Visualised statistics and reports give the manager an overview of development in their teams. Senior management and HR gain an overview of development progress across the whole organisation, and they can specify processes, create questionnaires, and easily send them out.

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Ongoing 1:1
Digital tool for 1:1 conversations between managers and employees

Which tasks are your priorities right now? Can you complete them? And will you need new skills or development to do so? Questions like these can form the basis of a dialogue about specific, day-to-day goals and tasks as well as ongoing employee development. Our tool allows you to check in, practice leadership in close collaboration with employees, and remove any obstacles along the way before they start impacting on the business. Use our 1:1 tool for all kinds of conversations between a manager and employee.

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Team Dialogue
Digital dialogue tool for facilitating team meetings

If you need to have a meeting with multiple attendees, you can use Team Dialogue to facilitate the process. All attendees complete a questionnaire that is sent out before the meeting, allowing you to base the agenda on the attendees' responses. Minutes and tasks are inputted directly into the form during the meeting, and they are sent out to all attendees with just one click.

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Structured onboarding to ensure retention

Evovia's digital onboarding process consists of both a checklist for use by HR and a dialogue plan for a range of conversations between a manager and their new employee. The tool builds on learnings from leadership research, supporting managers in conducting conversations and placing a focus on any concerns that arise for the new employee at critical moments during the onboarding process. The overall goal is to ensure retention of the employee and swift integration into the organisation.

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Digital offboarding process that captures vital insights

Evovia's offboarding tool gathers important learnings and coordinates dialogues with employees who leave your organisation. It is not an administrative tool, but a dialogue process in which the employee completes a questionnaire that is used by HR or the team leader in their exit interview. It gives a clear picture of areas of possible improvement for employee retention.

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Review the tools here
a (6) Competence web
Competence web
Discover your organisation's strategic competency gaps

Our competence web gives you a visual overview of any competency gaps in your team. You can also create maps for individual employees and use it during their EDP conversation, helping you work strategically on personal development together.

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Evovia_Icon_Kompetenceudvikling Competence Development
Competence Development
Digital process for managing education, courses, and competency development

The Competency Development tool allows you to create a clear flow for all forms of training and education. It takes you from goal setting and approval to evaluation and implementation.

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Evovia_Icon_Lederevaluering 360 degrees manager evaluation
360 degrees manager evaluation
Digitalt redskab til 360 graders lederevalueringer

Evovias digitale redskab gør det nemt og overskueligt at lave 360 graders lederevalueringer for enkelte ledere eller for alle ledere i hele organisationen. Evalueringen kommer hele vejen rundt om lederen med besvarelser fra chef, kollegaer, medarbejdere og evt. interne og eksterne samarbejdspartnere. HR eller øvre ledelseslag kan trække rapporter og lave handleplaner med opfølgningsmuligheder, så I får arbejdet med eventuelle udfordringer.

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Evovia_Icon_Kompetencebank CV
Digital database med medarbejdernes kompetencer

Evovias digitale CV giver jer mulighed for at oprette en database med medarbejdernes kompetencer, uddannelser, certifikater m.m. Redskabet kan bygges op, så det kortlægger jeres medarbejderes kompetencer og dokumenterer jeres vidensgrundlag.

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Competence web
Discover your organisation's strategic competency gaps

Our competence web gives you a visual overview of any competency gaps in your team. You can also create maps for individual employees and use it during their EDP conversation, helping you work strategically on personal development together.

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Competence Development
Digital process for managing education, courses, and competency development

The Competency Development tool allows you to create a clear flow for all forms of training and education. It takes you from goal setting and approval to evaluation and implementation.

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360 degrees manager evaluation
Digitalt redskab til 360 graders lederevalueringer

Evovias digitale redskab gør det nemt og overskueligt at lave 360 graders lederevalueringer for enkelte ledere eller for alle ledere i hele organisationen. Evalueringen kommer hele vejen rundt om lederen med besvarelser fra chef, kollegaer, medarbejdere og evt. interne og eksterne samarbejdspartnere. HR eller øvre ledelseslag kan trække rapporter og lave handleplaner med opfølgningsmuligheder, så I får arbejdet med eventuelle udfordringer.

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Digital database med medarbejdernes kompetencer

Evovias digitale CV giver jer mulighed for at oprette en database med medarbejdernes kompetencer, uddannelser, certifikater m.m. Redskabet kan bygges op, så det kortlægger jeres medarbejderes kompetencer og dokumenterer jeres vidensgrundlag.

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Well-being &
working environment

Review the tools here
a (7) Workplace Assessment
Workplace Assessment
Digital tool for workplace assessments (WPAs)

Make the task of WPAs easy and accessible with Evovia's WPA tool. Set up your organisation on the WPA tool and assign permissions to those people responsible for your work environment, allowing them to carry out workplace assessments. You can easily send out digital questionnaires to all employees and create action plans based on the responses you receive. Email reminders before deadlines keep things moving.

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Evovia_Icon_Sygefraværsdialog Sickness Absence Dialogue
Sickness Absence Dialogue
Digital tool for conducting dialogues about sickness absence

Evovia's tool for sickness absence dialogues helps you better understand sickness absence in your organisation. Leadership research tells us that having conversations about the topic can help to reduce sickness absence generally and also help employees stay connected to the workplace if they are absent for a longer period of time. You can easily set up these conversations in the system, so that they will automatically be triggered at specific points in an employee's sickness absence.

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a (8) Survey
Digital tool for wellbeing assessments and other surveys

Evovia's survey tool lets you get a feel for wellbeing and satisfaction within your organisation, as well as letting you gauge satisfaction levels among your customers, collaborators, and other external partners. The tool also allows you to create action plans with concrete agreements based on the survey results.

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Evovia_Icon_Hændelser Incidents
Report near misses or abusive behaviour

Evovia's digital tool offers a simple process for reporting near misses, abusive behaviour, and other incidents that need to be brought to the organisation's attention. Role allocations and a structured process help you take ownership, while agreements with reminders ensure that reports are acted on.

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Workplace Assessment
Digital tool for workplace assessments (WPAs)

Make the task of WPAs easy and accessible with Evovia's WPA tool. Set up your organisation on the WPA tool and assign permissions to those people responsible for your work environment, allowing them to carry out workplace assessments. You can easily send out digital questionnaires to all employees and create action plans based on the responses you receive. Email reminders before deadlines keep things moving.

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Sickness Absence Dialogue
Digital tool for conducting dialogues about sickness absence

Evovia's tool for sickness absence dialogues helps you better understand sickness absence in your organisation. Leadership research tells us that having conversations about the topic can help to reduce sickness absence generally and also help employees stay connected to the workplace if they are absent for a longer period of time. You can easily set up these conversations in the system, so that they will automatically be triggered at specific points in an employee's sickness absence.

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Digital tool for wellbeing assessments and other surveys

Evovia's survey tool lets you get a feel for wellbeing and satisfaction within your organisation, as well as letting you gauge satisfaction levels among your customers, collaborators, and other external partners. The tool also allows you to create action plans with concrete agreements based on the survey results.

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Report near misses or abusive behaviour

Evovia's digital tool offers a simple process for reporting near misses, abusive behaviour, and other incidents that need to be brought to the organisation's attention. Role allocations and a structured process help you take ownership, while agreements with reminders ensure that reports are acted on.

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poul and joachim

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