Technical security

The high level of security we always strive for

IT Security

As IT providers, we place extreme importance on data security.

Therefore, we comply with all guidelines issued by the Danish Data Protection Agency and always meet the EU's requirements in this area.

Annual Penetration Test

In our efforts to maintain the highest standards of IT security, we conduct an extensive penetration test annually.

This test is carried out by independent, certified experts and is designed to identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities in our systems. By simulating realistic attack scenarios, we ensure that our security measures are consistently updated and effective.

This proactive approach is part of our continuous commitment to protecting our data and maintaining the trust of our customers and partners.

Data Processing Agreement

All customers of Evovia sign a data processing agreement upon setup, which complies with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and applicable Danish legislation.

Customers are responsible for the data they enter into the system and therefore also for compliance with the Data Protection Act.

See our data processing agreement.

ISAE 3000

In collaboration with BDO, Evovia has developed an audit statement according to the international standard, ISAE 3000, which is updated annually.

Users with administrative access to Evovia have access to the updated audit statement through their profile.